Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Unlinking blogs from School

Kia ora tatou, 

As our school year draws to an end we have many administrative tasks to complete. One of which, if you are a Year 8, is to unlink your blog from our school. To do this you need to
1. Change your URL to something of your own choosing
2. Change your email address that controls the blog
3. Post the message below


To make sure we get all Year 8s doing the three simple steps I have created a google doc for you all to complete. Please click here to be directed to the doc, and fill it in. Here is the post that you need to make:

This is the final post that I will make as a SHP student on this blog. While the blog will remain open, it will be solely my responsibility to ensure that all content posted in the future (if any) is appropriate and continues to uphold the RISE Values that I have learnt at SHP. While this blog has at times been focused on school work and tasks, it has also been used as a means of expressing myself. At times me or classmates have made mistakes about what we have posted - however, we have used these opportunities to learn from our collective errors. I will try and remember these lessons should I choose to continue to use this blog. Such lessons are listed below (not an exhaustive list!)

  • Only post minimal personal information about yourself and others (It would be best to exclude surnames, and definitely no phone numbers etc)
  • Only post material that you would be happy to view with your Parent/s watching.
  • Never post personal messages to someone else that you wouldnt be happy saying to that person's face (in front of your parent/s)
  • When copying information from another source - make sure you are aware of appropriate copyright notification you should state or request before posting.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Bradley's project props

Today, Bradley started his presentation to the class about a career in firefighting by bringing in a fire unit. Wowser! What a way to get good marks!

Here's Bradley up the ladder and kitted out in his gear!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Strategic Planning Meeting

Here is a notice going out tomorrow about our Strategic Planning Meeting 
(make sure you check out the video below also!)

Sacred Heart School, Petone
As you would have read in the invite your child gave you – our school Strategic Planning Meeting is being held at Sacred Heart on the 30th October (6:30pm).

Our strategic plan is used to set the direction of the school for the next three years, school management sets our annual goals based on what the community decides to put into the strategic plan.  A few examples of ideas that were raised and given support at the last meeting, and subsequently followed through in the Strategic Plan or in direct changes in practice are:

     1.           High standards of literacy and numeracy/thorough basis in core subjects
Over the past 3 years the BoT and School Management have continued to focus on the performance of all students in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We have had a literacy focus for staff professional development and this year have extended our middle literacy block to two hours.
     2.      Longer Reporting to Parents meetings
Our reporting to parents meetings have changed from 10 to 15 minute slots. We have had staff meetings dedicated to ensuring we have clear and accurate reports.
      3.     Cultural Understanding and Participation
We have continued to explore the cultures within our school, we are now celebrating more language weeks and have plans to continue to bring the cultures of all students into the day to day life of our school

To ensure that you come to the meeting fully prepared – the main areas of discussion are outlined below. We will be working in smaller groups and discussing each. Feel free to bring some notes to the meeting.
If you have any questions about the Strategic Planning Meeting, feel free to contact Liz or Chris.

      A.      What do our students need in order to reach their potential?

      B.      What learning experiences would you like for our students?

      C.       What are the skills and attributes that all Sacred Heart students should have before leaving SHP?

      D.       What is the school doing well?

      E.        What could the school do better?

      F.        What are the most important things to focus on for the next 3 years?

Friday, 20 September 2013

Debate Chamber Ep2

Here is a video of our latest debate. Somehow we lost the video of Oscar speaking - Sorry Oscar!
We are lucky to be able to head over to the Adjudicators Couch for a response and they also interview a couple of speakers!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Group Points update.....

Monday, 9 September 2013

Kakapo and Kereru's buddy mass!!!!:)

Today at 9:15 In kakapo class we had our buddy class mass with kereru!! Our theme was social justice the dignity of work: the promotion of meaningful work for the young worker! All the readers were great and the singing was really amazing!! We invited our parents and our family so we got lots of people turning up which was nice!!! It was very nice and everyone enjoyed it!! Here are some photos!!:)


Old Group Points charts - latest ones coming soon

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Emin re-enacting JK's great Solo Try vs Italy in the 1987 World Cup

Some students will make some videos of the JCC tomorrow - but for now...

You be the judge.... Which try is better?

John Kirwan's


Emin Kaya's


Kakapo Debate Chamber Ep. 1

This was our first attempt at a debate - Ms D has been working hard preparing us -

We made a great start according to Mr Theo and all speakers did well infront of a live studio audience.

We will show more of our debates online in the coming weeks...

Kãkãpõ Debate Chamber from Chris Theobald on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Prayer photos

This the prayer table from this morning's prayer.
By Elliot \-,-/

Monday, 26 August 2013

Maths drop in

On Tuesdays in Kakapo class we have a maths drop in!! This is where students from year 4-8 can come at lunchtime and play maths games on the computers!! This helps us with our maths skills! 
Here are some photos!!!:)

By Ella:)

Monday, 19 August 2013

Group Points W3

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Group Points Week 2

Monday, 5 August 2013

Group points Week 1 By Chanel

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Kākāpō's latest music video...

We only ended spending about 30 minutes on this video and it is far from perfect but we did have some fund filming it. We will try to be more prepared next time....!

Introducing Wing$ performed by Kākāpō Class,,,,

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Kakapo play KiwiVolley!

We were lucky enough to have Matt from Wellington Volley ball join us today. We braved the weather and learnt some awesome skills!
Thanks Matt

Thursday, 20 June 2013

School open today....

BUT.... You may choose to keep your kids at home if you have the option! 
The following text was sent out to as many people as possible this morning

Kia Ora, 
Due to the severe weather,   and power outages you may select to keep your children home today. We will have some staff at school to care for any children who have to come to school. 
Take care and wrap up warm! (esp if you still have no power!). 
Sacred Heart Petone. 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Sharing our inquiry presentations.

As our inquiry posters were already up on our walls, we used the ipad and airserver to share our posters (if we made a poster). Here's a photo of Jack!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Sacred Heart feast day

Today we celebrated the feast day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Sacred Heart Thorndon.

First reconciliation

Some kakapo students supporting their siblings...

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Daring to stand up to Daring

Lava lava Day For Samoan Language Week

Today we are celebrating Samoan language week, due to our swimming we will are celebrating Samoan language week today with some yummy chop suey for lunch! Here are some photos of the junior class's.